update archives

September 9, 2001

Added a list o' random facts to the me page. Also updated the links page a bit. I'm working toward a new layout...soon, my children of darkness. Soon!

August 26, 2001

This layout update is just not happening. I'm busy trying to gather books for tomorrow (first day of new semester) and pack up my stuff for whenever I happen to be moving out. So I'm putting it off indefinitely. My guess is that I'll get around to putting up a new layout in early to mid September. However, I will still update the content of the site! There's nothing worse than an un-updated site...except for perhaps one that has updated layouts but no new content in months. I intend not to be that. So more poetry is coming, and maybe a piece of a story I'm reworking. I've kept up my LiveJournal a bit longer than I thought I would, so that'll be converted soon too. The server is just too faulty for me to trust.

Anyway, now I'm off to update Celestorm and Sylken's pages. Despite my occupied state, they are gaining levels. Hey, I have to escape somehow, right?

August 17, 2001

A new set approacheth. Not of screenshots like I mentioned on August 7th, but nifty nonetheless. I'm going to start keeping journal within this site, as I don't want to neglect this site because of my LiveJournal. After the set is converted, I'm still going to keep a copy of this set somewhere to be viewed. If someone would enlighten me as to how to take a screen shot of it, then I would just keep the image. However, if no one does I'm just gonna keep an html copy up. My journal-to-come will be in the me section. For now though, I'm taking a break.

I worked solidly on this site for about two weeks and so I'm slacking back off to take a break. I want to keep my interest up so when I'm insanely busy working and gaming, I'll still make time to work on this. My counter is broken and I don't have a guestbook, but I'd like to think that a few people do frequent this site. The mere fact that other people have a chance of finding it makes me feel good, although I'm not quite sure why.

August 7, 2001

Today is the 50th anniversary of my grandparents' marriage. Pretty amazing, I say.

In completely unrelated news, I have started a portfolio at Stories.com and a journal at Live Journal. Both can be found on the links page if you'd like to scour my inner workings and whatnot.

Within the next week or so, I'm going to add more screenshots. A new layout is imminent too, so I may just be a dork and make a set out of screenshots! I just have to get some really good ones. Which means until I do, I'll be working hard...playing EverQuest as Sylken.

*wanders off to play with poison*

July 28, 2001

Updates, yo. Some more odd personality tests in me and a rant in words about virginity and whatnot. I'm going to contact both people involved tomorrow...the people that, eh, inspired me to rant. Actually, it's less of a rant and more of a Coach-Jackson-approved, kick-your-ass-with-logic type debate. No flaming in return, please. If you're gonna get pissed and respond, show me you can do so without turning into a slobbering, cussing idiot. The only way to prove a point to anyone is to tell it like you mean it - with facts to back that up - and attack the idea, not the person. If you do so, I will respond in a like manner and we'll have ourselves a nice, mature debate. Otherwise, I slap you around and steal your lunch money. Thankee and goodnight.

July 24, 2001

Hey, I forgot about something. On the very bottom of the me page is a link to some random personality tests. Go! Take! Now!

I'm a bitch, you say? Only 30%.

July 24, 2001

Added a poem by me and a conversation in words. Other than that, I haven't done much. Added a counter, and am once again pondering what seems to be inevitable...a guestbook. But damn, why would I want to open myself up to more mindless criticism? Or requests to put up pics of me in a bikini? Or threats from ex-girlfriend's friends who think I'm Satan, or Santa, or STAN ("My tea's gone cold, I'm wonderin' why I...")? Sweet Tunare in Neriak, screw that idea.

July 14, 2001

Complete layout change, because I felt like it. More content to come, specifically of the rant persuasion. Oh, and I won an award!

July 11, 2001

Just a note. The words to the left are no longer the words mentioned below. Oh yeah, and I finally made the splash page match. And the world rejoices...

July 8, 2001

I'm messing around with colors again. Be warned.

July 7, 2001

I say 'hullo' too much, so hola. Pics added to the Sylken and Celestorm pages, as well as a color change right here and a modification of the center frame. See that mess of angry red words? Bleh, nevermind. That analogy will get me a restraining order or something. Hmph.

July 3, 2001
Well, hullo. Happy Canada Day (that would be the 1st of July, for all my stupid American brothers and sisters) or American Independence Day (that would be the 4th of July, for all the Canadians in the crowd), whichever you prefer. Since I am in...well, near a big city, I can't legally celebrate the 4th in the traditional way. They only let professionals blow stuff up around here. At least I'll have a good choice of what fireworks display I wanna see, since we have a couple ballparks/stadiums/tall thingies near, complete with the guys that are trained to fire off the big sparkly stuff.
Okay, fine, quit staring already. Here are the updates: Two old poems and a sappy letter to my patron added in words. And tiny updates on Sylken and Celestorm. I'm playing Anarchy Online also, so there are some AO links up in exits. And my long-time online friend Mike finally got his website (well, his and several other people's...a magnificant joint effort) off the ground. Here it be: Lunar Rabbits. Go, read stuff, buy a T-shirt. Sorry for the shameless plug, but they deserve it! And none of them paid me, Scout's Honor. Hey, I never was a Scout...but I still mean it, dammit!

[June 23, 2001]

Updated a few things with Sylken and Celestorm. I'm soon to add inspection text to these sections, since it's something I add to most of my characters. I'm also gonna add a profile for Baladori and perhaps Chimere if I get the time. Me like EverQuest!

[June 17, 2001]
Hullo. Same day, twenty minutes later (4:05 AM). Lo and behold, games section is there. 'Tis a rather bare section as of now, but will be added to when I feel like it or remember more games I have played/beaten. There are lots of them I have forgotten, I'm sure. XENOGEARS! There's another. Gonna add that one as soon as I'm done rambling here. Yes, I played and beat everyone's favorite Evangelion knock-off game. Ah yes, and FF1 and....Drakken or Drakhen or however the hell it's spelled. The ending on that one was horrible, but creating a party was fun. It's the first game I ever played where I had an option of what my characters looked like. I often named mine after characters in my story. The Jesus-looking cleric dude was Chauncey and the blonde magician chick was Luna. The dykey brunette amazon was Sydney. There was one more class for the party but I forget what it was. Okay, I'm officially done rambling now. Time to toss out something random. Celery!

[June 17, 2001]

Updated the links page a bit, and added a poem from Jesse to the random section in words. Sections to come within the month of July: friends and games. Friends will contain profiles of the people in my world. Games will contain info about all the RPGs I have played. Well, if you could call Asheron's Call and Everquest RPGs. I miss roleplaying, dammit. I mean the real stuff too, not the kind where your so-called significant other makes you be other people because he or she can not handle you the way you really are. But then again, to someone who is never capable of being themselves, asking someone else to do so would not seem that bad. Unfortunately, I'm a bit too strong-willed to be anyone other than myself for long. There goes my career as a politician.

[June 5, 2001]

Lotsa stuff added to words, and the index to the left has been simplified a bit. As I recode and FTP this junk, I am thinking to myself that I really do need a guestbook. I miss having people requesting pics of me in a bikini, blatently plugging their own site, or threatening me because on the main page I jokingly told visitors to 'sign the guestbook, or else!' That last one is ironic actually. So is my guestbook aversion. I want feedback, opinions, and constructive criticism. Really, I do. I just don't want to deal with the morons that are innately drawn from all corners of the earth and internet with the intent to flame me. Thusly, there won't be a guestbook on this site...unless someone happens to invent a moron filter. However, if you would like to contact me, email me or contact me via AIM. My screen name is Sullen Smile. If you contact me with the intent to flame, rest assured that I will toy with your feeble mind and then put it up in words so the world can cackle at your petty ignorance. And that's not a threat...it's a promise. *bad-ass theme music*

[June 4, 2001]

Sunburnt, tired and cranky, I have returned! What good a vacation does. Here's what I learned on my trip:

1) Oklahoma really does have red dirt.

2) Arkansas is beautiful, but hell on a cell phone signal.

3) Missouri has at least one nice lake in it.

I have also learned that I have become city-fied. Lack of an internet connection and working phone nearly drove me nuts. One thing I didn't learn and probably will never learn: SUNSCREEN, DUMBASS! But hey, on with the updates already, right? Okay. New Aerin the Red section on the me page. Yes, the pics are slow to load. No, I'm not gonna reduce them. My computer is slow and I had little trouble with them, so if you do, I am hard put to believe your measly machine does not suck. Sorry, that's just the sunburn talking.

[May 29, 2001]

Added a clique section to the links page. Touched up the splash page that has given me so much trouble recently. Also added more minutae to the me page. I should make a smartass comment here, but I can't work one up. Bleh.

[May 26, 2001]
Just small updates today and recently. I changed the splash page. I also added rough profiles for my EQ characters in the me section, as well as some other random things. I am updating frequently, but alot of it just brushing things up so they'll look nice, be legible, all that stuff. Hey, congrats. You have nothing better to do right now than to look for my lame invisible messages on this page. Unfortunately, I can't think up a good one today. Sorry. If that disappoints you, bugger off, muffin tosser.

[May 16, 2001]

Ten reasons I love the Internet:

10) The Zone
Bejeweled R0XX0Rz.

9) Cheese
Behold the power...

8) Web Gurus
Matic Central (my first banner read "Proud to be a chicken owner!").

7) Anipike
Whatever they try to tell you, it's really all just porn.

6) Sinfest
Mainly because of the Devil.

5) eBay

4) Napster
Even though those bastards took it down.

3) Everquest
Because I wish I looked that good in a thong.

2) Requiem for a Dream
See below.

1) Tweety's Self Indulgent Rant Page
A quote from Tweety to the d00dz of this world: "Listen up, dirtbag: take a shower, shut your hole, get spayed or neutered, and take your fucking Ritalin before I make my personal contribution to the beautification of America, you waste of perfectly good sperm and oxygen. Get out of my face before I do everyone a favor and administer a smack down."

[May 8, 2001]

Sweet Tunare on rollerskates. My marbles are everywhere. Now I'm slowly gathering them up off the floor, desk, chair and keyboard. There might even be a few stuck into the ceiling. I didn't lose my marbles. They flew from me with violent force.

This is why:

Requiem for a Dream

If you're brave, just click on it. If you're not brave, or you'd at least like to know what you're getting in to,




Hello there. I see you needed a warning, so here it is. The above site is for a movie of the same name. It is not an informational site. Instead, it is more of a maze, and a functional artwork.

The movie is about 4 people that are destoyed by their addictions. I wasn't warned when I went to the site. Hell, I knew it was Flash, but it...damnit, I don't know. The music, the detail, everything...and none of it gory at all. Just tone. A pure, opaque tidal wave of fear and pain and loneliness. Hell, you could pretty much sum up the existential dilemma with this site. It is the most effective piece of online art that I have ever seen. By now, to you, it must sound pretty damn bad. And it is bad. But it's GOOD because it was made to be bad, in a way. It speaks. Speaking of speaking, I need to shut up now. So just go look already. And hold onto your marbles.

Requiem for a Dream

[April 25, 2001]

Finals are coming. I have projects to do. I have obligations and favors owed. I need to own up to small promises I have made to people. I need to be a responsible person and get everywhere on time and never forget that worksheet about the Supreme Court cases from that one era, the one that would have gotten me extra credit and possibly helped me squeak by and pass the class. I need to learn how to be happy holding still all day. I need I need I need. I need a fucking break. I need to speak up for myself, but I have nothing to say.

[April 8, 2001]

I just got back from my old house an hour ago. If I had remembered to bring my Playstation, I'd be playing Final Fantasy Anthology which a nice person named Morgan loaned me. So in this case, I'm here updating. I'm just gonna do some small fixes around the site, but someday this month, maybe... I'm gonna add the everpopular friends page. I've taken down the un-link 'guestbook' because I am having no luck finding one without ad banners. I may just mess around and try to code my own.

But hey, I have an idea. Write me something. I don't care what it is. Doesn't have to be short or long. Be warned though: If you intend to fucking cuss, it better be funny or meaningful. Entitle the email 'Something'. If I find it interesting or amusing, I will make a new section in words for it. C'mon. Please?

[March 20-something, 2001]
I am officially tired of images. So many people take the ability to see for granted anyway. I'm tired of making them, editing them, and trying to find a good decent, or even tolerable image converter. I don't feel like being a f*cking theif and getting some unlicensed program to do the job, or even searching for a free in other words, non-existant one on the internet, so I am giving up. If you are one of those people that are put off by a book with no pictures, this site is not for you, you moron.

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©1998 - 2004 (forever and ever, amen) All this stuff, unless otherwise specified, belongs to me, V.L.D..