sappy letter to my patron

Dear Sky Legacy (the only name I've known you by),

I regret to say that when I hit level 25, I will be breaking from Clan Sway. Please know that there have not been any animosity or harsh words between myself and them. I found the people of the clan to be amiable, but without you here, I feel my tie to them is weak at best. Let it be known that I swore to you alone and my leave should not be viewed at an indication of how I feel toward Clan Sway. However I will not miss Clan Sway. I will miss you.

In fact, I have missed you. You were the one who got me back into Asheron's Call. You advised me how to create a successful character, and you never talked down to me as others in the past had done. You showed me what potential this game could hold for me, and what I could achieve within it's realms. When you fell absent I was worried that I could not stand alone against the harshness of Dereth. Soon after, I met several people who have become my most trusted allies. Sutric, Axewielder Raz, Galyon and your vassal Asu'ndim have helped me through perils unnumbered. I am on the eve of my 24th level. Asu'ndim and I never wed. Just as your life grew too busy, so did his. He's still a good friend even though I do not often see him ingame. Truth be told, another man has won my heart: Axewielder Raz. Pardon me while I go totally out of character and screw up the tone of this letter to tell you this: When I met you, I was considering giving my Asheron's Call disk to a friend. You showed me how good this game could be. Since then, Axewielder Raz and I have seen many a battle together. In real life, he and I email and call each other. Though it sounds incredible, I believe that he is the love of my life. If you had not been around to show me the possibilities, I may have never met him. You actions, in a way, lead me to him and for that I can never thank you enough. Even though you are a year younger than me in reality, I/Aerin viewed you as a mentor. I specialized the loyalty skill out of admiration for your kindness and honor. Sometimes I glance at the Allegiance window and hope that you knew that all that XP was the only way I could show my respect. It didn't matter that you gave me swords and armor (the second of which I still have). What matters to me is that you were a patient teacher and an extraordinary person, and for that I shall always be in your debt.

Highest regard,

Aerin the Red/V. L. D.

P.S. Axewielder Raz, Galyon and myself are starting a monarchy sometime in the future. We plan to keep it a close knit and private clan, but if you find yourself alone in Dereth, you'll be welcome there. All other things aside, if you need help ingame or out, I'll do my best for you.

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