message board idiot

MrBigstuffs: bitch
Sullen Smile: Who the hell are you?
MrBigstuffs: you're worst nightmare
MrBigstuffs: bitch
Sullen Smile: Ch, yeah, right.
MrBigstuffs: ch isn't a word
MrBigstuffs: sorry
Sullen Smile: Ever heard of a shift key?
MrBigstuffs: yeah
Sullen Smile: Well, use it.
MrBigstuffs: ever heard of getting the stick out of your ass?
Sullen Smile: No, I like it there. Now, why have you chosen me, out of the unlucky millions, to harrass? Just wondering.
MrBigstuffs: incidents happen
Sullen Smile: Incidents?
MrBigstuffs: message boards and email are all the rave this days for people who have no lives
Sullen Smile: And chickens will someday rule the earth.
MrBigstuffs: and someday we will use midgets as currency what's your point
Sullen Smile: I don't have one. Do you?
MrBigstuffs: yes
Sullen Smile: Hot damn, where'd you get it? I want one!
MrBigstuffs: but you don't have a good enough memory to figure out where i got it from
Sullen Smile: Yeah, I know. Damn Ritalin.
MrBigstuffs: how old are you?
Sullen Smile: Approximately 4, 713. You?
MrBigstuffs: you just confused the shiste out of me. state that in english please
Sullen Smile: I am 4,713 years old, approximately. How old are you?
MrBigstuffs: oh, see ya put the space in there vivian and that just fuck me up
Sullen Smile: Yeah, spaces are cool. Fucking MrBigstuffs up is cool.
MrBigstuffs: ok, so how ya been lately vivian???????
Sullen Smile: Pretty good. You?
MrBigstuffs: alright
MrBigstuffs: take a guess at my name
Sullen Smile: Rumpelstiltskin
MrBigstuffs: close, close, close, but i'm the reason that it's no go.
Sullen Smile: Okay. Hmm....Morgan?
MrBigstuffs: no, actually that little tidbit was from "lord of the flys"
MrBigstuffs: and there wasn't anyone named morgan on that island
Sullen Smile: Yeah, just a bunch of little murderous English boys. Anyway, I'm still trying to guess your name.
MrBigstuffs: could start with a D or and R
Sullen Smile: Ohhhhh, okay. Dennis Rodman.
MrBigstuffs: no...that was a really good guess but not exactly
MrBigstuffs: D...nickname for R...
Sullen Smile: How about words that just contain D or R? How about names that rhyme with words that contain D or R? I don't wanna stop guessing. This is fun!
MrBigstuffs: Re: Open your eyes this time.
Sullen Smile: But they are open! All seven of them!
MrBigstuffs: "in your reply to the article"
MrBigstuffs: "Thanks again for the laugh"
Sullen Smile: The one on advanced HTML or the one on Social Reform? Those are my two most recent articles.
MrBigstuffs: neither
MrBigstuffs: who want's to marry a millionaire?
Sullen Smile: Not me. How about you?
MrBigstuffs: article on darma?
Sullen Smile: As in Dharma and Greg?
MrBigstuffs: no darma went to marry a millionaire and then filed for lawsuit, blah blah wrote an article on her and it strayed from the point
MrBigstuffs: got it
MrBigstuffs: ?
Sullen Smile: Yeah, I had it all this time, I was just seeing how long I could draw you out. So, any questions?
MrBigstuffs: D-I-C-K
Sullen Smile: Ooohhh...big letters are scary.
MrBigstuffs: no, just big
Sullen Smile: Yeah, you like dick, I understand. I don't have any problem with those kind of people.
Sullen Smile: Aww...did I hurt your feelings, Richard?
MrBigstuffs: good job

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